Weekend Coffee Share – Summer Solstice

Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share! Can I offer you some coffee? Or tea? How are you doing?

We’ve had temperatures in the 70’s this week and are expecting temperatures in the 80’s next week.

The summer solstice and midsummer celebrations are huge in Sweden, and there’s been celebrations throughout the week. It is a national holiday, and some consider it our most important holiday. The night between Midsummer’s Eve and Midsummer’s Day is magical to us. We’ve picked flowers, made flower wreaths and a midsummer pole, there’s been music, dancing, singing and good food. 

Naturally there’s been time for gardening as well.

My daughter prefers Mexican food every holiday and I usually humour her and make that. Today I made bean and rice burritos with this side of salad from the garden.

If you have a Weekend Coffee Share, I’ll try to visit. Thank you, Natalie for being our lovely coffee share host. Please tell me about your week!

Love and gratitude, 


Published by Maria

It’s all about experiences, and the healing power of nature. Life is about choosing happiness. My gypsy soul have taken me to many different countries, and definitely taught me to be more humble. I enjoy growing my own food, and spending time outdoors. I now reside in the region where I was born: Dalarna, Sweden. I am a mom, a kindergarten teacher, a minimalist and a gardener. Love, Maria

31 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share – Summer Solstice

    1. De har precis börjat slå ut, både på balkongen och på odlingslotten. Förra året har jag för mig att de slog ut i augusti..det är väl den varma våren kan jag gissa. Jag älskar också ringblommor.

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  1. Your garden looks beautiful! Your plants are so big already. My summer squashes are just being planted outside. It’s been very cold and rainy here most of this month.

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  2. The photo of your little salad from your garden looks great! You did a wonderful job of making everything look as fresh as I know it was. I have to laugh at the Mexican food for the holidays – in ways I understand. I would much rather have Mexican than the traditional US holiday foods, both winter (I can’t eat turkey) and summer (hotdogs – no!, hamburgers – meh, but OK).

    Swedish Solstice celebrations sound fun 🙂 Last year I watch several videos of Swedish celebrations. Did you post one to get me started? I forget. In some ways I paid less attention to the solstice than most years, but it might be just that it was an odd week…

    Anyway, I hope you are enjoying your weekend and have a wonderful week ahead!

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  3. Wow, May was really a good month for your garden to get such a great start, Maria! We can’t plant here until mid-May for fear of frost. Your salad looks so fresh and healthy. Do you make your own dressing?

    I’m sharing this link on my Sunday Stills post (plant-life) tomorrow which shows a bit of our garden and property.

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    1. It was a good month. We usually have our last frost in the beginning of June around the 7-10th of June. I did gamble a bit when I planted everything in May, but it looked so promising, and now I am very happy that I did.

      I sometimes do dressing (olive oil/garlic/chili/herbs/salt,) but when the salad is fresh like this I usually eat it without dressing to really taste all the yumminess.

      I can’t wait to see the post from your garden 🙂 Thank you!

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  4. Oooh, the salad looks delicious, Maria! Happy Summer Solstice! Your garden is exploding, it looks wonderful. I love to colours of the Swedish flag too. Have a happy weekend and great new week, Maria! Oh, I’m in Michigan but it was 108F in Las Vegas today, whoa! 🔥

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    1. Thank you John, I made a similar salad today. I love eating right out of the garden in the summer time. That is truly summer to me.

      I bet you are fighting humidity in Michigan? My strongest memories from Michigan, except all the greenery is the humidity and mosquitoes. (I might have been in the wrong place, I’m not judging all of Michigan. It was very beautiful everywhere.)

      I hope things are as good as they can be my friend.

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      1. Thank you, Maria. ❤️🙏🏻 My home state is full of bugs everywhere including the entire front end of your car, yuck. They are difficult to remove. The deer flies have been busy as ever trying to suck my blood but they failed. Mosquitoes are bad too as are the ticks this year.

        I do not miss them in Las Vegas!

        I am flying home tomorrow finally but will have to return fairly soon as my dad starts Hospice tomorrow, he is not doing well at all. Have a wonderful new week, Maria. 🙏🏻😊❤️


  5. I love all the summer solstice and celebrations there. Your photos are all so beautiful!! And I think you should cook what ever food your family desires, and she has good taste! I know you use all the fresh things you grow too!! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and I think you only have one more week of work!! 💞 Then a nice vacation!! 😀❤️

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  6. Midsommar är verkligen en minst lika stor högtid i Sverige om man jämför med julen. Som i USA kanske med tanke på Thanksgiving som ju är en mycket stor helg.

    Jag tycker din kolonilott mer ser ut som det kanske gör i juli än i juni. Vilken otrolig växtkraft naturen har.

    Läste hos SvT att det kommer medelhavsvärme till Sverige. Vi har det också varmt. Igår var det runt +32C. För varmt för mig så tidigt på sommaren.


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