Weekend Coffee Share – Summer Solstice

Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share! Can I offer you some coffee? Or tea? How are you doing? We’ve had temperatures in the 70’s this week and are expecting temperatures in the 80’s next week. The summer solstice and midsummer celebrations are huge in Sweden, and there’s been celebrations throughout the week. It is a nationalContinue reading “Weekend Coffee Share – Summer Solstice”

Weekend Coffee Share

Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share! Can I offer you some coffee? Or tea? The weather is still lovely, just like last week sunny and upper 70’s/25-27C. Let’s have our coffee in the garden. There’s one scent that is stronger than the wonderful smell of coffee, can you smell it? It’s almost impossible to not smellContinue reading “Weekend Coffee Share”

Weekend Coffee Share – reorganization at work, and a tour of the local allotment garden society

Welcome to the Weekend coffee share! Can I offer you some coffee? Or tea? It’s Sunday morning and all the windows are open. There’s a light breeze outside and the refreshing coolness I experience this morning is the first one in about ten days. It’s been unusually hot and dry for our area. It feels likeContinue reading “Weekend Coffee Share – reorganization at work, and a tour of the local allotment garden society”